2021 Amsterdam Immunogenicity & Tolerance Seminar

After a postponement due to COVID travel restrictions, EpiVax is pleased to announce new dates!
This year's Immunogenicity & Tolerance Seminar  is now a two-day, afternoon-only format. This arrangement leaves mornings free for attendees to network, collaborate in small groups, and enjoy the beautiful city of Amsterdam. 

The seminar will be held at the Hilton Apollolaan in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
This seminar will center around current translational research in the fields of immunogenicity and tolerance, with case studies touching on vaccines and biologics. 

Industry and academic professionals are encouraged to attend this unique forum. Please Save the Date by filling out the interest form below.
Please note that EpiVax will be following all current E.U. and local government COVID-19 guidelines to hold this in-person event safely. We will communicate any changes in advance if the event cannot safely take place.

For full details, please visit: https://epivax.com/events/amsterdam-immunogenicity-tolerance-seminar-november-4and5-2021 
Questions? Contact EpiVax: info@epivax.com 
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